2025 Benchrest Matches
April 19 @ 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

- Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
- Competition begins at 9:00 a.m.
We are holding both Rimfire and Centerfire Benchrest Matches concurrently. Rimfire and Centerfire matches will be scored separately. Competitors may shoot in both matches, though it is not necessary to do so.
Equipment: Any rifle in any caliber, no restrictions on optics. You may use both front and rear rests, but not a sled-type one-piece rest. Bipods, sandbags, commercial or improvised rests are permitted. We will have rests and sandbags available to use if you don’t have your own.
In the centerfire division, any rifle below .50 caliber is eligible. In the rimfire division, all rimfire calibers — including, but not limited to, .22 short, long or long rifle, .22 magnum, .17 HMR, .17 Mach 2 — may be used.
Course of fire: Unlimited sighter shots, and twenty shots for record on a round bullseye target, in a total of 15 minutes. A tie-breaking round will be shot if necessary.
It is recommended that you bring at least forty rounds of ammunition per match.
The Centerfire match will be shot at 100 yards. The Rimfire match will be shot at 50 yards. Both matches will be held on the rifle range