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2025 CMP Garand/Springfield/Vintage/Modern Military Rifle Match

May 17 @ 8:30 am 12:00 pm

  • Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.
  • Competition begins at 9:00 a.m.

This is a Civilian Marksmanship Program as-issued sanctioned match. CMP Rules and Course of Fire apply.

Equipment: CMP eligible as-issued military rifles, including the M1 Garand & M1 Carbine, M1903 or 03A3 Springfield, Vintage Military Bolt-Action rifles, Modern Military Rifles, including AR-15/M4-style, M1A/M14-style, and foreign semi-automatic military-style rifles.

Iron sights only, except Modern Military rifles may have scopes with a maximum power and objective of 4.5×34. All highpower-style equipment may be used — e.g., shooting coats, stools, mats, spotting scopes — but is not required. Some equipment may be available to borrow.

Course of Fire: 100 yards on the SR-1 bullseye target. 35 rounds, including sighters.

  • 5 sighting shots in 5 minutes
  • 10 slow-fire prone shots in 10 minutes, each shot is single-loaded
  • 10 rapid-fire prone shots, including a reload, in 80 seconds
  • 10 slow-fire standing shots in 10 minutes, each shot is single-loaded

All shooters will be able to shoot at least one entry. Additional entries, including shooting multiple rifles, may be permitted based on space available.

For more information on the CMP go to http://thecmp.org/

For complete CMP Rules go to http://thecmp.org/wp‑content/uploads/CMPGamesRules.pdf

Questions on eligible rifles or equipment for this match or the course of fire should be directed to David Clark at davidclarkcal30@gmail.com

This match will be held on the rifle range

$10 per entry

St Joe County Restoration Club

57979 Co Rd 100
Elkhart, IN 46517 United States
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