The St. Joseph County Restoration Club Friday Night Out
2021 .22 Rimfire Rifle & Pistol Bowling pin Match
Event dates:
April 2, May 7, June 4, July 2, Aug. 6, Sept. 3, Sept. 24
Course of fire:
Pins cut in two sections (head & body) are placed on a rack at 25 yards in front of the shooter. Shooters will use a Rimfire RIFLE to shot the heads of the pins, and a Rimfire PISTOL to shoot the bodies. Shooters will have a bench to stage their firearms & mags.
Equipment Needed:
Any safe Rimfire RIFLE & PISTOL no larger than a .22 caliber. Any optics, any configuration. This is a revolver-friendly shoot. The shooter may load only 6 rounds at a time in each firearm. We recommend shooter bring at least 50 rounds & 2 magazines/speed loaders. EYE & EAR PROTECTION, ECIs, ARE REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES.
Pins must be hit clean, and fall off rack. Each hit counts as 1 point. The winner is determined by the total score, and TIME is the tiebreaker. The course will include a no-shoot pin(s) drawn at random by the shooter. If the shooter hits the rack, your turn will end and you will get a score of ZERO.
Cost & Prizes:
The entry fee is $5.00 cash for Each Relay. Cash will be paid out to the top three shooters in each relay. We plan to run at least 3 relays. (4-relays, time permitting)
The St. Joseph County Restoration Club is located at 57979 C.R. 100, Elkhart, IN. The event will start at 5:00 pm SHARP to 7:30 pm. Please arrive at 4:30 pm. This event is open to the public. For more information about this event and The St. Joseph County Restoration Club, please visit www.stjoecountyrestorationclub.com
Match run by Doug Steinke & Dan Harman